
Detailed calls focusing on quality over quantity.

We take our alpha seriously and hold ourselves to a high standard when it comes to sharing knowledge. How many times have you seen some person call a secondary play with very little reasoning or detail? I'm guessing lots. That's not our approach. Our approach requires careful research and we typically look for catalysts and adhere to the very classic support and resistance strategies. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel. Some strategies, with proper research, understanding and execution just works. To let you guys get a better understanding of the alpha provided by our team, here are a few examples of calls:

Above is an example of a write-up of a project on their mint day. We will have 3rd party tools available to holders to make their trading experience better. The tool used in the above example is called NFTSoloist. For our secondary calls, we are mostly looking for strong catalysts rather than a quick pump and dump. Here are a few examples:

These are just a few examples of the alpha provided in our community. Our alpha usually follows the same principles as our project. We value quality > quantity, which also means you probably won't see us providing any alpha on true "degen" projects and mints. Metas sometimes form, and sometimes you have to stick by them and play them, but that's a whole other story.

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